Sunday, January 29, 2006

find my happy ending

I was just watching such an ordinary romantic movie..... that movie told me something...and i know...
it's You...You tryin to explained something to me, something that i was questioning and wondering for the last few times. I know what You're trying to say....i know...

i'm sitting here...amazed by Your plans, by Your woks,...
wondered about how You teach me and told me what to do with my life...
Now everything's clearly now...everything's cleary...all i can say is thank You...i wondered how can people are not loving You...You're great, You're so so so so amazing...You're the masterpiece...You're awsome...
They maybe didn't or never understand what i'm saying right now...but for people who really know who You are...i bet they will.

Now i know...You plan me a happy ending, like You do to that Girl in that movie hehehe, yes she screwed up, but she knew after all, she's running to her happy ending...
i just have to find it by my self, i'll screw up somethimes, but i'll fix it up and move on, cause i know something for sure...You'll there with me, and walking by my side...and never let me go...i BELIEVE you...i belive You're bigger than i can think of...

And for all of you who read this blog...i wanna share s'thin, i kinda love this song...this is song from Carly called Anticipation...enjoy it !

We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway
And i wonder if i'm really with you now
Or just chasing after some finer day.

Anticipation, anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting

And i tell you how easy it is to be with you
And how right your arms feel around me.
Bit i rehearsed those words just late last night
When i was thinking about how right tonight might be.

Anticipation, anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting

And tomorrow we might not be together
I'm no prophet, i don't know natures way
So i'll try to see into your eyes right now
And stay right here, 'cause these are the good old days.

Let your life flow....but make sure, you're in the right stream
you screw up ? so what..get up and move on...
Someone's wathcing you...He'll help you...He'll hold your hands, and never let go...just believe...belive that He capable to do that...He's bigger than you ever thought...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

hari itu

suatu hari...ketika Kau membuka mata dan pikiranku, lalu segalanya menjadi lebih jelas.
suatu hari...ketika akhirnya aku tahu siapa aku dan mengapa Kau menginginkanku ada tempat ini
suatu hari...ketika akhirnya mereka bersama-sama memberi dukungannya
suatu hari...akhirnya aku aku tahu apa yang Kau ingin aku lakukan

Hari itu...aku berlari kencang, lebih kencang dari yang aku pernah bayangkan bahkan aku pikir aku sedang melayang
aku tertawa lebih keras dari sebelumnya
dan hari itu...aku tau bahwa semua akan menjadi lebih baik
terima kasih untuk hari itu...
terimakasih telah membuatku tersenyum kembali
terimakasih atas kesabaranMu menunggu sampai aku mengerti,
dan terima kasih karena selalu mencintaiku tanpa syarat.